Reading a book takes on a whole new meaning at the Real Life Library.

This series of live events provides an opportunity for people called “readers” to listen and learn from the storytellers called “books.”

The non-profit organization that puts on the Real Life Library aims to elevate well-being through storytelling.

“We also record the books’ stories; we call the books the storytellers. We record those on video and then build a digital library that we can then offer as a curriculum tool, so that we can retell social studies through the lens of lived experience,” said Co-Founder of the Real Life Library Garrett Lee.

“WHOA!, which stands for We Help One Another, has partnered with the Wisconsin Veterans Museum to produce the first ever Special Veterans Day Edition of the Real Life Library,” said Reporter for The Badger Report,Megan Janssen.

Eleven veterans chose to serve as “books” and share their experiences on this holiday celebrating their service to the nation.

“It’s good for veterans to get their story out there. A lot of time we keep everything bottled up inside of us because that’s just what we do” said Veteran and Real Life Library Live Book Ray Trent.

One of the “readers” describes her experience at the Real Life Library this Veteran’s Day as life changing and inspirational.

“This was an act of service. They wanted to share their story and this is an opportunity for them to have ears to listen to their story. Although they did me a favor, I did them a favor as well,” Real Life Library Reader Kayla Heise.